Monday, 27 February 2017

Promotional Video: Asking Parents' Permission

I used Facebook messenger to privately message two parents of younger pupils to ask whether they minded talking to the camera to give their thoughts on the dance school as well as their daughters saying what they liked about being a part of Kelly's School of Dance.

The first mum (Cindy) I messaged said she didn't mind her daughter taking part and speaking to the camera however she said she'd rather not herself as she doesn't like being infant of the camera, although I thought she would have been a perfectly good parent to ask to do this I have worked around this by asking other parents to do it instead, so it is no longer a problem.
The second mum (Tracy) was more than willing to help out with giving a testimonial for the school as well as saying her daughter would be happy to help. As Cindy's daughter is good friends with Tracy's daughter I plan to have the two daughters say what they like about the school together and with Tracy rather than Cindy's daughter have to stand and talk on her own with her still being quite young and possibly nervous to do it on her own.

With the mums I am closer with I used texting task for their help. I also asked them if their children would help out in a group, as they are a close trio anyway I feel it would put across the feeling of comradery that is present in the school.
Both of the mums were willing to help out as well as letting their children help out too.

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